Produção Bibliográfica
Conteúdo Criativo em Design e Propriedade Intelectual.
Madalena Grimaldi
BACKX, HUGO ; GRIMALDI, MADALENA ; KARLA, ANA . Conteúdo Criativo em Design e Propriedade Intelectual. DAT Journal, v. 4, p. 162-174, 2019.DOI
One of the characteristics of creations intellectual is their immaterial character. They are contents articulated in the plane of the ideas of its creator that freely builds and reconstructs an imaginary universe. The motivations range from daily necessities to some artistic manifestation. Through their exteriorization, other people become aware of the creative content through its contours or limits manifested or fixed in a kind of “photographic” moment of the idea. In the design activity, these values-generating contents are fixed in everyday objects that seek to meet the most diverse demands. This characteristic of the creative object, the result of intellectual work, has given rise to the need for norms, such as Intellectual Property, for its protection. It has as one of its basic principles the repression to the slavish exploitation of creative work of others. And understanding how creative content in Design fits into Intellectual Property makes this protection more effective.
Keywords: Creative content, Design, Intellectual property