Produção Bibliográfica
Reflections on the Creative Process of the Sculpture Árvore das Almas
Irene de Mendonça Peixoto
Reflections on the Creative Process of the Sculpture Árvore das Almas
This article presents the creative process in the development of Irene de Mendonça Peixoto’s garden sculpture Árvore das Almas (Tree of Souls) as a three-dimensional unfolding of an artistic fabulation—starting with illustrations of the same name—which culminates in a combination of the artist’s experiential immersion in nature, as a result of the social distancing and isolation that coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, and the haps of poetic intuition. The analysis here of this creative and bioinspired process proposes an investigation of artistic processes from an intuitive and oneiric perspective, in which communication takes place in a sensory and mimetic way as occurs in nature, but moving in more complex evocations, unfolding the meanings of matter without losing the connection between the perceived and the imagined. In contrast, this work will also discuss the analysis proposed by the artistic creativity model based on Palle Dahlstedt’s processes, in which the notion of negotiation between concept and material representation is fundamental to better understanding the supposedly random and subjective mechanisms of artistic processes. Key words: art; nature; creative process; art studies