
Doris Kosminsky

Image, technology, and design
Data VisualizationInformation designVisual Arts
PPGD-UFRJ Coordinator; Doctorate in design in PUC-Rio (2008)
CV Lattes
Designer, researcher, and professor at Visual Design Communication course, Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts (PPGAV) and Postgraduate Program in Visual Design (PPGDV) at the School of Fine Arts of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she leads the Laboratory of Visuality and Visualization - LabVis/UFRJ. She holds a doctorate in Design from PUC-Rio with Honorable Mention Thesis Award 2009. She worked as an art editor in TV Globo's and has interdisciplinary experience in artistic data visualization, information design, TV graphics, animation, visual arts, and digital media.