LabCrit – Laboratory of Critical Productions in Design

Design and CritiqueDesign FieldDigital DesignUX Design
Group leaders
Fabiana Heinrich
Camille Vignal Frota, Leonardo Maurício Malhado de Freitas
LabCrit - Laboratory of Critical Productions in Design guides its activities around the investigation between the Design Field and the mode of production - contemporaneously, capitalism - that shapes it in its different manifestations, be they imagery, design or technology. With this investigation, we aim both to discuss critically the bases that support and form the Field and, based on them, to propose different understandings and new configurations to the productions of this Field. Making use of the Critical Theory tools as a theoretical and methodological basis, the Laboratory's activities focus on the investigation of common themes in the area of Digital Design, such as experience, image, internet, project methodology, digital project, social networks and media, digital work, digital technologies.